pondelok 17. októbra 2011

Smooth an noble..

Movement, even that one created in Flash, must not be jerky. These previews are evidence that cautious use of shape tweening let us to do smooth animations, and slighly add three-dimensional something to it.
I Love You animation can be bought on istockphoto.

Previews of animation cycles

Every day I learn something new about Flash animation. "Nesting symbols" method, as introduced by Dermot O'Connor, is powerfull tool for adding more life to characters, combined with good old-school ways to move things, makes the difference. I am still in process of developing my skills, but I see the ligh at the end of a tunnel (and it is not the train progressing towards me, I hope).

streda 28. septembra 2011

Have a courage?

Recent campaign for Pokec, slovak chat portal. Text says: "Don't you have a courage? Say it via Pokec chat"

pondelok 19. septembra 2011

Sleeping prince

Karel Schwarzenberg, minister of foreign affairs of Czech republic, sleeps a lot and often. So often that they want him on T-Shirts. So I have drawn him in typical pose. Text says: I sleep when they talk crap..

štvrtok 15. septembra 2011

Doodling in September

I am preparing few sketches of Slovak and Czech celebrities.

The First Hero - game

I have recently finished work on new game for begamer.com. I wanted it to have that "ancient" look of old artifacts and story like one of those I loved so much as a kid. Feel free to play it here: http://www.begamer.com/flash-game/23363/the-first-hero